6 Jun 2016


Wow! It's June!

Before and After Weight Loss
Copyright 2016 Fiona C Yeo of Cartoon Lagoon

Finally nearly after 1 year, my relatives have started saying that I have lost weight. Haha. Yes, only after nearly a year. The irony is they said this at a time when my weight hasn't moved that much downwards. The pic above is from July 2015 compared to December 2015. It's not quite current but I wanted to use it as a comparison because it is in the same outfit! That dress has definitely become loose on me. I think it's obvious when you look at the pics that I have lost weight. Not so obvious if you see me day in, day out. I am lighter now than in either of those pics.

It's been such a tremendously slow process. I know some people do not weigh themselves but I do. I know some people prefer to see how toned they are getting as opposed to seeing how light they have become but I need to see the 'LIGHT'. Sorry, couldn't help the pun.

Lately, I've decided to bring the weight down first before concentrating on toning myself. That is my plan, it may not be yours. I also eat just about anything I want to but with a lot of common sense. We're usually advised to have balanced meals, That means you portion your carbs, proteins, calcium intake etc in that meal to work within  what is recommended as healthy.

I on the other hand, may not necessarily eat healthy meals but I do use common sense to work it out in the span of a few days. If I pig out on rich foods for 1, 2 or 3 meals in a row, then I eat light for the next meal or for the next few meals. If I am going out for a nice dinner, then I will try to eat light before that. If it's not possible, then I do not fuss. I just make up for it with the next few meals. I came to this 'conclusion' because I feel that ALL MEALS put in front of you are blessings. I am blessed to have food to eat. I am blessed to have water to drink. That's it. Very simple. No need to complain when people give you food and the food is too rich. You can eat in moderation and eat something lighter later on to balance it up overall. 

I also exercise only when I have the time to do so and am not crazily working out every other minute of the day.

I must say, yes, following the above will mean your weight loss journey will crawl painstakingly slow. I have this word of encouragement though. If you are able to crawl this slowly and you are patient, then the weight loss regime is more likely to stick because it will just be seamlessly integrated into your life and you won't even feel like you're on a weight loss regime.

By the way, I am suddenly able to blog better again because I have finally purchased a budget laptop.
Please let me introduce, Blue. My new HP Stream 13.

HP Stream 13
Copyright 2016 Fiona C Yeo of Cartoon Lagoon

I love Blue.
I really really love the colour. It is so me.
Ok, it could be faster but you get what you pay for.
I took the above pic because of the words on the screen; "Getting everything ready for you". I was smiling when I was getting it set up for the first time. I was recalling the year when I first bought our family desktop PC for the kids from Challenger and was setting it up. I had thick manuals and CDs by my side on how to set up the PC and how to install the dial up internet connection with Singnet! It was torture!

Now, the computer speaks to me. It tells me what it is doing to set itself up. Setting up wifi is such a breeze too. How life has changed in the last 20 years.

What am I doing these days? Well for starters, let's talk about nights. I just watched Descendants of the Sun with hubs. Suffice to say, the cutesy prettiness of Song Hye Kyo and the charm of Song Joong Ki was enough to keep us transfixed for a few nights in a row. Currently as I type this, hubs is busy surfing the net for Song and Song videos. Sorry, only Kdrama diehard fans will know what I am talking about! Let's be clear though that I am not a crazed Kdrama fan. I am selective. After DotS, I started to watch another series and just could not bring myself to continue beyond episode 3. In fact, I could have easily stopped after the first few scenes but decided to give it a chance. A good Kdrama need not have a good script but there should be good eye candy, good OST (Original Soundtrack) and a good director. I say it need not have a good script because seriously, there were some crazy unbelievable scenes in DotS but who cares, right? I can stare at Song Hye Kyo all day and all night and it doesn't hurt to have Song Joong Ki beside her too. Hubs agrees Song Joong Ki is not exactly handsome but is very charming. We're watching old episodes of Running Man now, which feature him. Haha. The things we do.

In the day, I do my chores then sit in front of the computer. By the time I do, it's usually the afternoon. I'm on it for a few hours and then hubs comes home and it's time to make him something to eat or prepare dinner. That's about it and I realise that it is enough to keep me happy.

I have to go....hubs is calling me to join him to watch youtube videos on Song & Song! Who will pass up a chance to cosy up to her husband? Not me! Ciao and God bless!

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