7 Jan 2016

January 2016 Weight Loss update

Happy New Year!

I have not fallen off the face of the earth! Just been so busy with cleaning the house and trying to cope with my new role as a homemaker.
Homemaker. Such a fancy word for housewife. My life as it is now is relegated to being a chauffeur, laundry lady, cook and cleaner.

Life as a new housewife has its perks. Unless I am chauffering, I no longer have to set my alarm clock! I told myself I'd give myself that luxury at the very least. So now, I wake up when I want to and take a nap when I need to! Life is good and I am especially enjoying being the family cook.

Hubs and I went on a short food trail with his family in December 2015 when I hit the one month anniversary of my appendix surgery. When I left for the trip, I was still hurting in my abdomen. I could barely let my pants touch my navel without feeling pain. I felt quite frustrated that I could not carry my luggage or even my shopping because I would feel the strain in my tummy. However, I did realise that every single day made a difference and I was getting better every day. When I returned from the trip after a few days, I realised that I could start to slowly carry a heavy knapsack of groceries so I started to go grocery shopping quite often. From there, I was able to take on more housework and it was good because I managed to handle cooking for the family during the Christmas and New Year period.

So how am I doing weight wise?
Not too bad. My weight is still down and has gone down slightly below my first mini goal. I did hit a new magic number about 2 weeks ago but then I let the festive eating get to me. Well, considering I had eaten so much and still managed to maintain my weight at a reasonable loss of 7 to 8 kgs over 5 to 6 months, I'm not too sad! What saddens me is that I have not been able to jump on my rebounder (trampoline) & I have turned flabby all round, despite losing weight!

(I was all ready to upload a current pic but I'm still blogging from my tablet and have been having trouble loading my photos from it. I tried logging in from my phone to no avail. I believe it's because I need to tweak some settings since that phone is a new one).

You can see what's cooking in my kitchen if you follow me in Instagram.
Look for me under fionacyeo in Instagram.

Diet wise, I have not been dieting at all. No watching of calories either. I just eat everything in reasonable amounts. Also, if I am a glutton today, I eat leaner the next. It seems to work for me.

I am still cleaning and re-organising our room. Hope to set up a laptop soon as it's a real pain blogging from a tablet. Will check in here every once in a while. If you found me because you were looking for a weight loss routine, please perservere. If a person like me could do it, you can too! I've still got a long way to go so let's do it together.

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