Our teenage daughter (turning 15 this year) doesn't fancy Art very much. The funny thing is, visualising a picture and drawing has always come easy to her since she was a toddler. She is often targetted in school for projects which require artwork. We often encourage her to pursue her 'talent' in Art although eventually, the path she takes will be her own.
She was on her way to take a bath when she overheard her younger brother discussing with me what to draw (last night) for his art homework. The boy was tearing his hair out.
The girl ignored us, just tore a sheet off the art block and came up with her 30-second drawing of a Zebra's butt:

Pretty good for 30 seconds huh?
Pretty good for 30 seconds huh?
She then nonchalantly walked off to the bathroom with her towel in hand. Her brother yelled at her for wasting paper. I thought her Zebra was pretty cheeky so I pinned it on the fridge door.
Now, the boy is a different story (turning 12 this Friday). He's a very 'Science - Techy' type of boy. Art? We hardly ever see him drawing.
He took 3 minutes struggling to explain to me what he had to draw (which was, only a part of an animal), another 3 minutes searching for his paints, another 3 minutes searching for his brushes and palette, before finally settling down to finish his painting in 30 minutes. That is with Mummy sitting beside him explaining to him how to control the water consistency, paint shades and ways to hold his brushes.
If Mummy had not been sitting beside him, he would have taken 30 hours I am sure!
Still, I thought his 30-minute painting turned out pretty neat!
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