In the past month, I have been told, no less than 6 times, that I look eh.... 'very prosperous'!!! Mike has not been immune to such comments either. Even my own father-in-law commented that he had failed to recognise me when I called out to him at a lift landing. My sister-in-law (yes, that's YOU, Ah Kor Joan) said she hadn't recognised me either when I had gone to pick her up at the airport recently (it's not as though she had just come back after living abroad for some time, for goodness' sake... she had only been on holiday for a week!). Unfortunately, they speak the truth. I HAVE put on so much weight in the past year, I frighten even myself. Sigh. Now if only my bank statement were as prosperous, I'd be set for life.
(below pic) Here I am, looking very prosperous at Mike's bro's place on Christmas Eve this year, just before we went for Midnight Mass. Didn't help that my sis-in-law, Lynette had cooked a delicious meal!
(below pic) Don't you think my bro-in-law, David and his wife Lynette put up a beautiful tree?

Anyhow, I have to say this. This is not post-pregnancy weight. I did manage to get back to pre-pregnancy weight after my younger kid was born because the breast-feeding helped heaps! I've put on weight because I've neglected myself.
I do not have a habit of snacking. I am however, a 'BERNG-TARNG'. (local Chinese dialect for Rice Bin). I cannot do without a full plate of rice especially for dinner and I can't eat much during breakfast (yes, I know, that is so upside-down. Heavy breakfast, light dinner right?). Put a dish of belachan and some rice and I'm done for. Just when I think I'll skip dinner, my Filipina helper, Judy will plonk a bowl of delicious Fish Head Curry on the table. Tired? Angry? Upset? Stressed? No problem, just eat more rice. So you see, that's my downfall.
The irony is in 2007, my weighing scale needle moved downwards the most it had ever in many years. It probably had to do with the fact that I was taking Belly Dancing classes 3 times a week from 3 different teachers. The weight loss was slow over a period of a year but at least it was healthily done. Then due to other commitments, I had to stop ALL my classes and thus, sans-exercise, the weight which I had lost earlier, came back with double vengeance (they most certainly do not tell you this in Belly Dancing classes!).
I don't know whether to laugh or cry when Mike asks me what the issue is with being the size that I am. He says he loves me the way I am and doesn't find 'anything wrong' with me. Yeah, I know. He is being sweet and kind (wait a minute! What dya' mean by the size that I am, Bucko???!!!).
Anyhow, I don't like it that my clothes are getting tighter and tighter! The last time I was this heavy, I was pregnant. Back then I had an excuse. But now???
So with the impending new year, comes new resolutions.
While I would like to say that my New Year resolutions should be the following in exactly this order:
1) To be a better person
2) To be a better person
3) To be a better person
4) To be a better person
5) To be a better person (or wait, should it be world peace???)
1) To be a better person
2) To be a better person
3) To be a better person
4) To be a better person
5) To be a better person (or wait, should it be world peace???)
What I would REALLY like to say is:
1) To lose weight!!!
2) To lose weight!!!
3) To lose weight!!!
4) To lose weight!!!
5) To lose weight!!!
1) To lose weight!!!
2) To lose weight!!!
3) To lose weight!!!
4) To lose weight!!!
5) To lose weight!!!
Aiyah, I know, I know, while people are starving elsewhere, that's so superficial of me right? But I'm only human hor.....OK Lah, politically correct, it should read as:
1) To be a better servant of God
2) To be a better wife
3) To be a better mother
4) To help my son with his Chinese
5) To improve my own Chinese
6) To come up with more shoe designs (Yes, I know you are waiting for that!)
Then maybe resolution # 1001 can finally be
2) To be a better wife
3) To be a better mother
4) To help my son with his Chinese
5) To improve my own Chinese
6) To come up with more shoe designs (Yes, I know you are waiting for that!)
Then maybe resolution # 1001 can finally be
.........To lose weight!!!
(below pic) Anyhow, in a bid to be a better self and that includes looking less 'aunty', me VAIN self treated myself to a new hairdo:
My kids think I look even more 'aunty' with permed hair but I don't care cos their Dad thinks it rocks! Eat your hearts out kiddos! It's the first perm I've had which I actually do not hate. Customers who saw me last year might recall me with very short hair because I'd chopped it all off (much to the dismay of one of my belly dance teachers) to a crop. I'd damaged it with a perm, rebonding, perm again, rebonding I finally got sick of it and decided to 'start anew'. It's taken me a whole year just to get it back to shoulder length.
I digress but if you recall, I grumbled once about never being able to find the 'perfect' hairdresser. Well, I've finally found her..... : ) My daughter's been to her twice already and likes her too.
(below pic) Here we are with our new hairdos. Me with my permed and coloured hair and Tessa with her newly cut bangs which she now sometimes regrets getting (BTW, we're in her lime green, typically IKEA bedroom) :
So, anyhow, I seriously worry about what all the fat cells are doing to my heart so because of that, I aim to lead a healthier lifestyle. I'll try, I'll really try but if I don't, I don't. It's not a be all and end all for me. It's just a new year resolution and you and I know what happened to this year's new year resolutions.
Seeing things in perspective, what's most important to me is my health, my husband and kids!
So, here's to THAT new year resolution and Cheers to yours as well.
(above pic) Here we are! Mike and I looking like some 'prosperous' tourists in KL's Petaling Street (Chinatown) yesterday morning (29 Dec 2008).
HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!!! See you in 2009!!!
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