30 Jun 2008
'The Thing' on our kitchen window ledge
I've seen these pads lying at different points of the block so I assume they are being thrown from different units.
Last Friday, I was standing (fortunately under shelter) at our void deck when three empty mineral water bottled (I mean the large sized ones) rained down around me.
I shudder to think when THE PAD's gonna land on my head. What's worse? Having a sanitary napkin land on your head or a crushed beer can? If you've any suggestions how to catch the culprits, please feel free to write in.
27 Jun 2008
Art and the arts
This morning, when we were leaving the house, we noted that they were all cleaned up. We were sure the foreign cleaner/s in our estate must not think too much of us Singaporeans. I myself can't believe it and have been asking Mike if we should do something drastic in 'C.S.I' (aiyah, that so fakey, stylo milo TV programme, Crime Scene Investigation) manner, like going to a particular piece of litter (or sanitary pad) and using a laser pointer to work back the (ahem) trajectory point / angle to see which unit it leads to. Get the drift? I'll catch you filthy 'litterers' if it's the last thing I do! Just you wait!
Sigh. Enough about littering for the day. On a nicer note, I attended my alma mater St. Joseph's Convent's matinee of A Midsummer Night's Dream yesterday with Mike and surprise, surprise, Mike didn't fall asleep! That is a VERY GOOD gauge of HOW GOOD the play was! We had sort of bought tickets for it because our daughter, Tessa was participating and seeing how pathetically burnt out she looks (after rehearsing for practically the whole June hols), we decided to show her our support (hello? where were all my other ex-schoolmates?). I don't quite feel anything for this 'new' school location in Sengkang because I came from that old rickety Hillside Drive building where I could peep out of my classroom windows to see hunky Gabrielites, eh I mean Mike walking past.
The standard of production was high and it needs to be said that apart from a few 'older' girls who had come back to help, the rest were as young as 13! To be spouting Shakespeare and not robotically is fantastic. They fully understood the technicalities of the play and what was expected of them and acted out the subtle intonations and aspects convincingly! The pauses, the facial expressions, the accents, the set up, the music, it was magical! Frankly, I'm always in awe that people can actually remember all their Shakepearean lines and this is coming from someone who loves literature. Aiyoh, how to ad lib when you forget your lines?
Truth be told, I was expecting some eh....cheap school production but I was proven wrong, it was way more professional than anyone would have expected! It also helped that the music was fully supported live by the school band, handbell ensemble, anklung ensemble and choir. I understand Roger Jenkins had a big hand in it and he definitely deserves a big thank you but still, I thought all the amateurs and teachers put in alot of effort and did a very good job.
Throughout the play, I was glancing at Mike every now and then. The school doesn't know this, but if my husband didn't fall asleep during THAT play, it had to be GOOD! Even Tessa, told her dad she was surprised he hadn't fallen asleep!
Apparently, there's another production today (Friday 27 June) and on Saturday (28 June / play and dinner). You can probably still buy tickets from the school. That's St. Joseph's Convent for you. Yay!
26 Jun 2008
Trees and Art
For the life of me, I cannot recall that lecturer's name but I do know he was the first (and only) art teacher (some Ang Moh guy) to allow me to be less shy about my art. He was appreciative and critical in a positive manner. Basically, I began appreciating what I could do. It also helped that the then Institute of Education's musty basement art room had an abundance of art supplies. I really exploded with joy back then!
I never thought I could draw, neither did my school teachers I'm guessing! I sucked at still life and model drawing. It was always praise and glory for those who could imitate the apples and pears exactly on paper. Darn, how interesting is it to be drawing vases without flowers?
For students like me, we were relegated to just trying to finish that darn piece of art assignment within the given time frame. I hated art lessons back then but I always knew I loved to draw. How conflicting was that for a kid? My art teachers never made me discover myself. So much for instilling creativity in kids!
My point is I am a late bloomer and a 'procrastinator'. What is it you've always wanted to do? We juggle studies, jobs, marriage, in-laws, parenthood, kids, bills and mortgages....it's difficult, I understand. It's all up to you.
By the way, I was thinking of trees because our new apartment is 3/4 surrounded by trees. It's wonderful to be able to look out the windows and see the beautiful greenery (and not the litter!). A neighbour went round yesterday, collecting signatures for a petition to trim the trees. We're half-hearted about that but the apartment's really dark in the day because of the trees. The neighbours a few floors above us are facing the same situation and I understand where they are coming from. I mean it's REALLY dark and we have to switch on our lights. Not a good idea to be consuming unnecessary energy. So with a heavy heart, Mike signed the petition.
24 Jun 2008
Truly in Singapore, you clean till you turn green.
Our apartment's void deck and the surround grass patches see 'new art installations' every day! Crushed beer cans and styrofoam boxes are strewn all over the grass. Chicken rice wrappers fly here and there. Pieces of clothing rain down into the 'longkang' and loading / unloading bay everyday. Don't people even know when their laundry go amiss? Then there's the group of residents who actually bag up their litter but leave it at the void deck, probably thinking they are already doing the cleaners a favour.
What motivates a resident to litter just outside his home? Recently, I asked my friends that question and they, being a group of ex and current 'educators' blame this on the increase of foreign worker population (ahem, as usual) and also our schools and parents' failure to educate our kids in civic consciousness. Oh and also because this generation of people are being brought up by foreign domestic help.
I don't rule out foreign workers. I've seen with my own eyes how they dump their rubbish at the void deck. But nor do I rule out silly local kids playing parachute with their keropok and chocolate wrappers or the obviously local well-dressed executive who's mistaken the void deck pillar for the urinal. I digress but I have to mention this; just last night, I saw a whole family, maid, grandma and all, laughing at their kid who was peeing at the traffic light. What's so funny about that? We pick up after dogs you know?
I've been thinking and thinking..... what can be done? What can I do?
When you see soiled sanitary napkins lying all lonely on the public domain, obviously flung out from one of the windows, it gets depressing and you can understand why I even want to waste my brain cells thinking WHAT CAN I DO TO STOP THIS!!!!
A new neighbour told Mike she went door-to-door once to plead with the residents to not throw fecal matter and Milo out the windows! What????!!! Faeces and Milo? She advised us not to hang our laundry outdoors. I'm not sure where else flat dwellers are supposed to hang our laundry and hey, government subsidised apartments or not, we're paying for these apartments and we do pay conservancy. I expect to be able to hang my laundry out whenever I like and I'd also like to hang the guilty ones out to dry as well!
So, I've started to compile a photo diary of the litter. Not sure where that's headed. Maybe I should start some 'neighbourhood litter watch'? Maybe I should join the (ahem) grassroots thingy? Or maybe I just write in and 'comprain lor'!
First things first, I've not even finished moving into the new place and I'm getting ready for battle. But what the heck! This is my country, this is my home? (cliched but is it not true?) If we don't do something? Who will? By the time litter becomes killer litter, it might be too late.
Me thinks I've been living too long in a nice estate where 'community-in-bloom' is on every other person's regal tongue. Well, it's time I brought 'community-in-broom' to the heartlands!
Change in TELEPHONE / FAX No
Old no: 6484 5226
New No: 6385 6255
We apologise to our customers for any inconvenience caused.
If you call the old no. within the next 3 months, you will be directed to the new no.
19 Jun 2008
Animals behind new gate

We'd chosen a very simple gate design so that it wouldn't detract attention away from the mural. Think the gate shop lady wasn't very impressed that out of her whole collection of gate designs, we had chosen perhaps one of the simplest (and therefore one of the cheapest) designs. Just thin strips with a fencelike portion below (so our 'real' dogs can't run out and it would look like a fence) and a few leave patterns scattered here and there. The gate's a burnt gold colour but you probably can't tell from the pic.
18 Jun 2008
Close up look of painted mural on door
Nah...we weren't really going to do without a gate (we orso kiasu one leh!) The old gate (resale apartment) was removed to make way for the new gate. Not that we had to waste money removing the old gate which was in good condition but it was the type where the lock was positioned down the middle which meant only half a gate would actually be used everyday. Mike politely suggested we change our gate to a 3/4 opening type or face entering the house everyday crab-style (sideways)!
10 Jun 2008
Mural painted on main door
......the mural we painted on our main door.
We're probably the only crazy ones doing this within the radius of several HDB estates but we don't care.....we Lurrrve it! Don't you???
No photos, pictures or artwork of this image may be reproduced without the written consent of Cartoon Lagoon and FCY.
By the way, we know that by doing this, we risk getting someone else's loan shark doing his O$P$ artwork on our door but we're willing to take the chance and if some nuthead neighbour is going to complain (like maybe the colours give them a headache or the picture scares their kids), then I'm seeing my MP (whoever he or she is!). I wanna cormprain! Cormprain!
It took 4 steps to complete this mural:1) Pencil and paper draft (20 minutes).
2) Scanned and outline in 'Paint' using mouse (30 minutes. I know, velly velly basic. I dun have no fancy Paintshop programmes oki? Actually, this step may be skipped - I was only trying to fill up with colours after scanning but my basic Paint programme doesn't allow it becos I hadn't created the first draft with it).
3) Outline in light coloured paint on door (30 minutes).
4) Paint non-stop (8 hours).Started and finished this last Sunday 8th June 2008 (couldn't move a muscle after that).
Note to self: Do not attempt to finish another mural on the same day!
Touched up a little yesterday night again cos the flooring people made some scratches here and there. Probably needs a coat of varnish soon.
This is what the pencil and paper draft looked like after I outlined with the mouse using the FOC Paint programme:
BTW, if you noticed that cockerel clock by the door, it came all off white except for the cockerel in the centre. Mike and I spent some time painting the top cockerel and the spiral parts last Saturday night. Oh, before that, Mike had to get out the clock hand mechanism and replace it with another from one of our old wall clocks becos it wasn't working. We could have gone back to the store to exchange the clock but we were keen to get started on the painting of the cockerel so we decided to replace the mechanism instead. Fortunately, it worked. (Mike's a great handyman!) It's a two sided clock. Pretty unusual.
We're taking a short break from the business, renovation and everyday madness for a few days by driving up North tomorrow or maybe heading South instead; we dunno. Wherever life takes us.
Take care!
6 Jun 2008
Addendum to House Renovation post
No 'Ifs', no 'Buts'. We are at your door.......where are you? (Hello! We don't live there yet because the house isn't ready!)
Actually, I shouldn't even be complaining. At the very least, they did turn up.
I know in life we must always be flexible but this gives a whole new meaning to 'rubber time'. Aiyoh! These people think we all no need to work one ah?
House Renovation
For the renovation of our new place, we've decided to do without an ID (that's today's speak for Interior Decorator) or Main Con (lingo for Main Contractor a.k.a PCK style) mainly to cut costs and also to allow our renovation and decor to look less BORING, (Hello IDs out there, where's your creativity?) less PLASTICKY, COLD, less like everybody else's and more like a HOME. In other words, some place you can be yourself and be happy in; junk, mess and all!
We're great believers that you don't need a lot of money or expensive stuff to make your home nice.
Surprise, surprise! Nothing has changed since we last renovated our first marital home in the 90s. I would think with today's connectivity technology, that sub-contractors would be more contactable (given that you no longer have to PAGE for them and wait for their response). But no, that's not to be! Managing sub-cons without a main con is a nightmare. What do these people use to tell the time? The position of the sun?
Most of our suppliers / installers do not arrive on time. If they arrive within an hour past the appointment time, you should already bite your tongue and give them a pat on their back. Sometimes, they don't arrive at all and when you call them (IF you are able to get through their phone line at all), they may just let on that they have to re-schedule your appointment!
Perhaps the biggest headache was from our aircon company, who left us two nice GAPING holes to patch up ourselves (of course, we Singaporeans keep cement, sand and plaster at home all the time for situations like that!). We realised it too late after the team had left. There must have been a reason they had created several 'wrong' holes all over the house that they were patching up in a rush at the end of the job and for also creating a labyrinth of 'quality' trunking - it's to confuse I say! Also, it was a great distraction that the main 'installer' was pretty good looking and was walking around shirtless! (LOL)
Suffice to say, we were in a bit of a fix because our painters were due to start work 2 days later. In the end, we had to get another sub-contractor to patch up the holes! As a test of their efficiency (because I was so pissed to not be able to get through their phone line the whole day) I had FAXED them a note to CALL ME BACK and lookit here, they did......albeit FIVE days later!
When I mentioned that ours was the house with the holes, the girl had the cheek to advise us that THEY had already sent THEIR team to patch up our holes!
Their trunking of certain parts of the masterbedroom has caused some ugly alterations to be made by the flooring company and eventually, after many FRUITLESS phone calls, we decided to pay a visit to the aircon company's head office. I shan't comment on the service we got. Let's just say if it were good, rest assured I would have said so. They've promised to send down a 'more experienced team' to fix things today.....so let's see.
We've had issues with other companies and I shan't go into the details except to say, entering into a renovation contract is like getting married. The other party will promise you the moon before the deal is sealed! (No no Darhlink, I'm not talking about you..... you're fantaaaaaastic!)
But that's not to say we haven't had good experiences with other some sub-cons. Our kitchen cabinet makers were a wonderful bunch. Helpful and hardworking. They missed their promised deadline but looking at things objectively, we were still very happy with their work.
By the way, did I mention that we're intending to paint a mural on our main door? Not sure if it will eventually materialise. But if it does, we'll post a pic.
Have a good weekend!